I’ve never been too overly found of piercings, I got my ears pierced when I was super young - too young too even remember - and it’s always been enough for me. I know for some people, like my little sister, its a bit of an addiction and they don’t want to stop and love wearing all pretty little studs up and down their ear - but for me, there was never a thrill in that. I always found it exciting wearing just one pair of very over the top and eccentric earrings - it was one of the things I missed most when I started wearing a headscarve. I tried plenty of different styles so that I could keep hold of my former earring collection but unfortunately none of them looked good on me. I had a huge collection of earrings, many from Indian market stalls that were super pretty and bright and blingy and just so over the top but also so addictive when it came to buying or wearing them. I held onto my old collection for a good while after wearing the headscarf, but when I realized they were just collecting dust and I wasn't going to get any wear out of them I decided to give them away.
I have brought an odd pair of earrings here and there over the last few years, but never got round to wearing them. I would see something sparkly or pretty in the store and pick it up, promising myself that I’d find a new scarf style where you would see my earrings and make sure I wear them, but it never happened.. That was until a few months ago. It all started off with a pair of simple Primark hoops; if you were born in the 90’s and grew up in the naughties then you know that everyone had a pair of hoops! And for me, the bigger, the better! I had all different styles, the plain ones, the thick ones, the heart shaped ones and of course the ones with blingin’ diamontes all down them! I actually treated myself to a beautiful pair of River Island hoops recently that are super blingy - unlike the ones I wore during my teens, this pair is a little more sophisticated and the gems run diagonally all across the hoop (sadly I don’t think I’ll get much use out of them though as they keep sticking to my scarves and pulling at threads when I wear them!). I started wearing the hoops in the summer and managed to adopt a scarf style that allowed you to see the earrings - tutorial coming soon - after sticking with the hoops for a few weeks, I decided to venture out and try a few other styles. Some smaller styles and especially studs are still not visible with the style of scarf I wear, but I've managed to treat myself to some gorgeous pieces and there so many more out there that I'm sure would work with my new style.
As it is party season and probably the one time of the year where nothing is ever too much when it comes to sparkle, I thought I’ll put together all my favourite earrings for you. Let me know which ones you like best in the comments below :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful jewelry collection. I really like it.
wow such a beautiful designs of earrings, really lovely thanks for sharing.
Oh what a beautiful earrings collection!
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They look so attractive and impressive!
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This is the most traditional hoop and similar reasonable one. The pearl or different gemstones (like precious stone) are coasting on your hoop, while a screw back to safely hold the stud set up. Diamond engagement rings
ReplyDeleteThe girdle is really a significant part of the diamond, the beauty of the stone as well as its stability depends on the girdle of the stone. diamond girdle
ReplyDeleteThe most popular diamond shapes in the United States is round, which made up nearly 57 percent of all diamonds sold nationwide.
ReplyDeleteA GIA certified diamond is used to describe diamonds that have been graded by GIA certified, the creator of the 4Cs and the independent, diamond authority. Cost to Get a Diamond GIA Certified
ReplyDeleteCircles are the sorts of studs that are planned in semi-round or roundabout style. They are particularly like rings. Notwithstanding, they are generally produced using metal tubing.ear cuff
ReplyDeleteI love how you described your journey back into wearing earrings!